The CodeSmith engine can be used to programmatically generate code from templates.


Public classActiveSnippetCompleteEventArgs
Public classActiveSnippetConfiguration
Public classActiveSnippetEventArgs
Public classActiveSnippetGenerator
Public classActiveSnippetMapping
Public classActiveSnippetMappingCollection
Public classAdoHelper<(Of <(<'TFactory>)>)>
The AdoHelper class is intended to encapsulate high performance, scalable best practices for common data access uses.
Public classBusinessObjectBase Obsolete.
Public classCachedConfiguration
Public classCodeGeneratorBase
Public classCodeSmithDomainFactory
Public classCodeSmithLicense
Public classCodeTemplate
All templates must derive from this class.
Public classCodeTemplateCompiler
This class can be used to compile templates.
Public classCodeTemplateInfo
Public classCodeTemplatePropertyAttribute Obsolete.
Public classCodeTemplateValidationException
Public classCodeTemplateWriter
Public classCompileTemplateResult
Public classConfiguration
Public classConfigurationBase
Public classConfigurationBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Obsolete.
Public classConfigurationCollectionBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public classConfigurationItemBase
Public classContextItem
Public classControl
Public classControlCollection
Public classControlCollection..::..ControlCollectionEnumerator
Public classDefaultEngineHost
Public classDefaultLogger
Public classDelegateControl
Public classDelimitedStringCollection
A collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Public classDelimitedStringCollection..::..DelimitedStringTypeConverter
A type converter for the DelimitedStringCollection.
Public classDidNotAcceptTrialException
Public classEmptyControlCollection
Public classEngineConstants
Public classEngineHostBase
Public classFeatureNotAllowedException
Public classGenerateCodeResult
Public classGenerateEndEventArgs
Public classGenerateEventArgs
Public classGenerateStartEventArgs
Public classGenerateTemplateResult
Public classGeneratorCompleteEventArgs
EventArgs derived type which holds the custom event fields
Public classGeneratorErrorEventArgs
EventArgs derived type which holds the custom event fields
Public classGeneratorEventsCallbackBase
Public classGeneratorProgressEventArgs
EventArgs derived type which holds the custom event fields
Public classHashCodeCombiner
Public classIndexedEnumerable
IndexedEnumerable makes enumerating over collections much easier by implementing properties like: IsEven, IsOdd, IsLast.
Public classIndexedEnumerable<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
IndexedEnumerable makes enumerating over collections much easier by implementing properties like: IsEven, IsOdd, IsLast.
Public classIndexedEnumerable<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..EntryItem
Represents each entry returned within a collection, containing the _value and whether it is the first and/or the last entry in the collection's. enumeration
Public classInMemoryCodeTemplateInfo
Public classInsertRegionMergeStrategy
This merge strategy can be used to insert the template output into a named region inside an existing file and preserve the rest of the content in the file. The initialization string should be of the format: "RegionName=<RegionName>;Language=<Language>"
Public classInvalidPublisherException
Public classItemRegisteredEventArgs
Public classLanguageRegionDefinition
Public classLanguageRegionDefinitionCollection
Public classLogger
Public classMap
Public classMapCollection
Public classMergeContext
Public classMergeStrategyAlias
Public classMergeStrategyAliasCollection
Public classMessageEventArgs
EventArgs derived type which holds the custom event fields
Public classMethodPropertyRefresher
Public classNotCheckedAttribute
Excludes a property from being required.
Public classOptionalAttribute
Marks a property as optional.
Public classOutputCancelEventArgs
Public classOutputFile
A class representing a template output file.
Public classOutputRegisteredEventArgs
EventArgs derived type which holds the custom event fields
Public classPreserveRegionsMergeStrategy
This merge strategy can be used to preserve designated custom regions inside an existing file and regenerate the rest of the content in the file. The initialization string should be of the format: "RegionNameRegex=<RegexExpression>;Language=<Language>"
Public classProgress
Progress information.
Public classProgressEventArgs
Public classProjectCodeGenerator
Public classPropertyDesignerMap
Public classPropertyDesignerMapCollection
Public classPropertyRefresherAttribute
Public classPropertyRefresherContext
Context information passed into the IPropertyRefresher methods.
Public classPropertyRequiredValidationError
Public classPropertySerializerAttribute
Public classPropertySerializerContext
Context information passed into the IPropertySerializer methods.
Public classPropertySetCache
Public classRegisteredContent
Public classSafeDataReader
This is a DataReader that 'fixes' any null values before they are returned to our business code.
Public classSchemaArguments
Public classSerializableDictionary<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>
Represents a xml serializable collection of keys and values.
Public classShowDialogEventArgs
Public classStatusChangedEventArgs
Public classStringUtil
Public classTemplateContext
Public classTemplateEngine
Public classTemplateError
Public classTemplateErrorCollection
Public classTemplateParseResult
Public classTextWriterCollection
Public classUtil
Public classValidationError
Provides information about a template validation error.
Public classValidationErrorCollection
Public classVersionCheck
Public classVersionInfo
Public classVirtualCollectionBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
A base Collection used to load data on depand from database.
Public classXmlPropertyDirectiveTypeConverter
This class can be used to convert to and from an XmlNode for a class that supports XML serialization.
Public classXmlPropertyFilePicker
This type editor can be used on a class that supports XML serialization to allow the user to pick an XML file and have that XML file deserialized into the target class.
Public classXmlPropertyRefresher
Public classXmlPropertySerializer
Public classXmlPropertyTypeConverter
This class can be used to convert to and from an XmlNode for a class that supports XML serialization.
Public classXmlSchemaFilePicker
Allows you to browse for an XSD Schema.
Public classXmlSchemaSerializer
Public classXsdHelper


Public interfaceICodeTemplateInfo
Public interfaceIConfiguration
Public interfaceIEngineHost
Public interfaceIIndexed
Interface defining an indexed object.
Public interfaceILogger
Public interfaceIMergeStrategy
This interface can be implemented to create a merge strategy.
Public interfaceIPropertyRefresher
Interface that all property refreshers must implement.
Public interfaceIPropertySerializer
Interface that all property serializers must implement.


Public delegateAdoHelper<(Of <(<'TFactory>)>)>..::..RowUpdatedHandler
Delegate for creating a RowUpdatedEvent handler
Public delegateAdoHelper<(Of <(<'TFactory>)>)>..::..RowUpdatingHandler
Delegate for creating a RowUpdatingEvent handler
Public delegateGenerateEndEventHandler
Public delegateGenerateStartEventHandler
Public delegateGeneratorCompleteEventHandler
This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Public delegateGeneratorErrorEventHandler
This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Public delegateGeneratorProgressEventHandler
This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Public delegateMessageEventHandler
This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Public delegateOutputCancelEventHandler
This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Public delegateOutputRegisteredEventHandler
This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Public delegateProgressEventHandler
Public delegateRenderMethod
Public delegateStatusChangedEventHandler


Protected enumerationAdoHelper<(Of <(<'TFactory>)>)>..::..AdoConnectionOwnership
This enum is used to indicate whether the connection was provided by the caller, or created by AdoHelper, so that we can set the appropriate CommandBehavior when calling ExecuteReader()
Public enumerationCodeSmithEditions
Public enumerationCodeTemplateOutputType
Public enumerationCodeTemplatePropertyOption Obsolete.
Public enumerationLanguageKind
Public enumerationLogLevel
Public enumerationOutputLanguage
Public enumerationTemplateErrorLevel
Public enumerationTemplateErrorType
Public enumerationTemplateState