The IDbSchemaProvider type exposes the following members.


Public methodGetCommandParameters
Gets the parameters for a given command.
Public methodGetCommandResultSchemas
Gets schema information about the results of a given command.
Public methodGetCommands
Gets all commands for the given database.
Public methodGetCommandText
Gets the definition for a given command.
Public methodGetDatabaseName
Gets the name of the database.
Public methodGetExtendedProperties
Gets the extended property collection for a given schema object.
Public methodGetTableColumns
Gets all columns for a given table.
Public methodGetTableData
Gets the data from the given table.
Public methodGetTableIndexes
Gats all of the indexes for a given table.
Public methodGetTableKeys
Gets all of the table keys for a given table.
Public methodGetTablePrimaryKey
Gets the primary key for a given table.
Public methodGetTables
Gets all of the tables available in the database.
Public methodGetViewColumns
Gets the columns for a given view.
Public methodGetViewData
Gets the data from a given view.
Public methodGetViews
Gets all the views available for a given database.
Public methodGetViewText
Gets the definition for a given view.
Public methodSetExtendedProperties
Sets the extended properties.


Public propertyDescription
Gets the description for the schema provider (E.G. SQL Server Schema Provider)..

See Also